I started my personal photo blog December 2006, my fine art panoramas in 2007, and my commercial photography in 2009, featuring my own 360 degree highres photography of my favorite city. I update the blog usually once a week with a new panoramas and with updates about current shows. Please visit luminous-newyork.com or joergengeerds.com for my current photography.

Below are some of my professional pictures I took back during the 1990s.


I took took this picture for a broshure I did for the "Congress & Tourismus Zentrale", Würzburg. The page was about the cultur and entertainment in Würzburg, and I had exactly this image in my mind, but there was no similar picture in the archive. I decided to do the shot by myself. The wall in the background was removed later for the layout.

Photography, freelance project for "Congress & Tourismus Zentrale", Würzburg, Germany

Detail from a 35mm cinema projector

I took a series of images inside the "Casablanca" cinema. One part were technical details of the projector, the other part were images from the fresh renovated showroom. Thorsten Loew, who's doing all the promotional stuff for the cinema, used those images for i.e. postcards.

Photography, freelance project for Casablanca Cinema, Ochsenfurt, Germany

Every Day Life of a Cyborg

Photo Installation

I'm completely fascinated by cyberborgs, this coexistence of technology with bio material. What will happen when cyborg-technology is so advanced that we can not see the difference between a human being and a cyborg? How will those cyborgs behave? Do they have the same troubles like human beings becomming short sighted?


Theater poster

Friends of mine had a local theater group and they asked me to do a poster for their play. Since the play was about a couple having a argument, I asked the actors to do a "pillow fight" on the stage.


Shoe storage

This 2 meter high object is a shoe storage. It was awarded for "Best Industrial Design" by the Design Forum. The pictures shows a detail from the open storage. It was part of a photoshoot of objects for a "best of Industrial design" catalog.

Photography for Design Forum, Nürnberg, Germany

Self portrait

I just love wide-angle lenses. Thanks to Lilian for assisting me during this shot.



The Landesgewerbeanstalt is specialized in material testing (like i.e. TÜV). This image is part of a series of architecture shots. I used those image for several brochures and technical leaflets for the Landesgewerbeanstalt.

Photography, freelance project for Landesgewerbeanstalt, Würzburg, Germany

Water faucet endurance test with an industrial robot (multi exposure)

The Landesgewerbeanstalt is specialized in material testing (like i.e. TÜV). This image features an industrial robot used for testing water faucets. Not shown in this picture is a sophisticated pipe/valve system to seperate the warm and cold water comming from the faucet during the test circles and to recycle it. This image was used for a brochure about water treatment for the Landesgewerbeanstalt.

Photography for the Landesgewerbeanstalt, Würzburg, Germany

Stone bending and pressure test machine

These images are part of a series for building material tests. These machines measures the force until a piece of stone breakes apart. While taking the first image was just a matter of lighting the scene, I had to be way more careful with the second one. I choose a more softer sandstone, since granite would break rather sudden and would send flying shards of stone towards me and the camera. Sandstone was behaving more predictable, and crumbles rather than explodes.

Medium format photography for the Landesgewerbeanstalt, Würzburg, Germany